Dining Options

NO BREAKFAST will be provided at the start of each day’s meeting sessions (though coffee and tea will). We hope this budget-related decision won’t prove too great an inconvenience to attendees.

Click here for a printable PDF of restaurants in/near the conference hotel, most of them within a short walking distance. Restaurants that serve breakfast are indicated with the designation B. (This list will also be reproduced in the printed conference program.)

For more complete lists of dining options in and around Athens, including establishments out in the ‘burbs and in nearby communities like Watkinsville, please see the following links. Call your chosen restaurant first to be sure it’s still open—places open & close their doors in Athens like clockwork, though our better & more reliable eateries have in most cases been open for decades, often in the same location. The Flagpole Guide (the 1st link) is the most up-to-date:

The Flagpole Guide (click on the Restaurants tab—eateries are subdivided by cuisine down the left-hand side of the page)

Visit Athens, GA: Dining Listings (a good listing, but does include places that have been shuttered for more than a year. Once again: call ahead, and save yourself some grief.)

Athens Menus

A couple of our more outlying (in terms of walking) dining establishments. To the right one can see Hendershot's Coffee and Viva! Argentina restaurant. Just east of those, to the left, is Athens' famous vegetarian restaurant, The Grit. These are a good 20-minute walk from the Special Collections Library, so we would advise you to visit them either for dinner on Thursday following the reception or for lunch on Saturday, before you leave town—time would be a little tight for lunch here on Friday between meeting sessions. The Grit is a must-visit, if you are vegetarian—the building is owned by Michael Stipe, of R.E.M., the vibe is a magical blend of hipsterville-meets-family-dining, and the food draws in helpless crowds of vegetarians, vegans, omnivores and carnivores alike. Photo ©Simon Hunt, 2015.