Howard-Tilton Memorial Library
Credits: Tulane University
Heard Library, Vanderbilt University


Music in Libraries: Just the Basics One-Day Workshop

Howard-Tilton Memorial Library
Thursday, October 12, 2017
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Early registration deadline is September 25, 2017.

The Southeast Music Library Association (SEMLA) and Texas Music Library Assocation (TMLA) will co-host Music in Libraries: Just the Basics, a preconference workshop at Howard-Tilton Memorial Library at Tulane University directly preceding the 2017 SEMLA Annual Meeting. Workshops will be offered in Musical Scores Cataloging, Videorecordings Cataloging, Music Reference, and Music Collection Development/Acquisitions.

This special preconference workshop is organized in conjunction with the Education Committee of the Music Library Association (MLA). Led by instructors who are practicing music librarians and active members of MLA, these workshops on the basics of music librarianship are open to all currently working in or considering a career in libraries.

Register online for the preconference workshop

After the preconference, participants are cordially invited to attend a free reception to continue our conversations about music librarianship with members of SEMLA and TMLA.

Stay for the SEMLA/TMLA Annual Meeting: Reduced registration (only $20) for the 2017 SEMLA/TMLA Annual Meeting, Oct. 12-14, is available to preconference participants (non-SEMLA or non-TMLA members only). Participants who register for the Music in Libraries workshop will also receive one year's free membership in SEMLA (non-SEMLA members only).

Workshop Descriptions | Program & Workshop Materials | Rates, Travel & Accommodations

Workshop Descriptions

Conference participants may select two 3-hour workshops from the following:

Cataloging Scores in RDA

Participants in this workshop will enjoy a practical, hands-on approach to cataloging scores using RDA (Resource Description and Access) and MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging). Together, we will identify and answer crucial questions such as, "How do I record authorized access points and preferred titles?" "What are the preferred sources of information for scores?" "How do I decide on the title proper?" "How do I deal with relationships?" and, "When do I input a new record?" Time will be set aside during which students can practice creating and/or editing catalog records of their own. Please bring at least one musical score to catalog. Enrollment limited to 30 participants.

Music Reference

Participants in this workshop will become familiar with tools and techniques to help locate recordings and printed music, as well as other sources of general information about music and musicians in various genres of music. We will identify some of the common problems encountered and discuss how to determine what the patron is actually trying to locate. Participants are encouraged to bring their personal laptops or tablets, as no computer workstations will be available. Enrollment limited to 30 participants.

Cataloging Videorecordings in RDA

Participants in this workshop will learn basic skills for cataloging videorecordings in RDA (Resource Description and Access) and MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging). Using a hands-on approach, we’ll solve specific challenges, like providing a physical description, constructing a statement of responsibility, selecting genre headings, defining relationships, using new MARC fields for RDA (like the 33X and 34X fields), and coding information in a variety of numbers fields (like the 007, 028, 037, and 034). Time will be set aside during which students can practice creating and/or editing catalog records of their own. Please bring at least one videorecording (preferably a DVD) to catalog. Enrollment limited to 30 participants.

Music Collection Development / Acquisitions

Participants in this workshop will learn the basic tools and skills for purchasing, selecting and deselecting music materials for their library based on the needs of their user community. The workshop will include lively discussion and interactive exercises on the following topics: core challenges and strategies for building music collections, vendors, approval plans/standing orders, and development policies. Participants are encouraged to bring their personal laptops or tablets, as no computer workstations will be available. Enrollment limited to 30 participants.

Program Schedule & Workshop Materials

9:30 a.m. – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Cataloging Scores in RDA

Sonia Archer-Capuzzo
Lecturer in the Library and Information Studies Department of the School of Education,
University of North Carolina-Greensboro

Collection Development / Acquisitions

Holling Smith-Borne
Director, Anne Potter Wilson Music Library
Blair School of Music,
Vanderbilt University

Laura Williams
Head, Music Library,
Duke University

1:00 – 2:00 Lunch
2:00 – 5:00

Cataloging Videorecordings in RDA

Sonia Archer-Capuzzo
Lecturer in the Library and Information Studies Department of the School of Education,
University of North Carolina-Greensboro

Music Reference

Sara Manus
Music Librarian for Education and Outreach
Vanderbilt University

5:00 – 5:30 Wrap-up / Evaluation

SEMLA Reception

Special Collections Gallery, Jones Hall


Lunch, snacks, course materials and good discussion provided.

Cost: Early registration, $85 (valid through September 25); Regular registration, $100 (onsite or online after September 25); Student registration, $40 (early and regular). Free parking is available to participants at the Loyola University Freret Street Parking Garage. Visit the Parking/Local Travel page on the Annual Meeting website for more details.

Register online for the preconference workshop

Travel and Accommodations

See the information from the main conference sections on Hotel and Travel. Our group lodging rate also applies to the preconference. See also the other links on the main conference website for more information.

Additional questions about the preconference may be directed to Grover Baker (